The Site

the site

The site sits at the junction of two of the main arterial routes from the west into London. It is arguably the most prominent site in West London and any redevelopment will be of huge importance to the borough as well as the local and wider community.

The site extends to 13.4 acres (5.42 hectares), is relatively flat with a gentle slope down from east to west and of regular shape. The western boundary is the River Brent, whilst to the north the site adjoins Boston Manor Park. The eastern boundary of the site is Boston Manor Rd whilst the Great West Road forms the southern boundary.


The area surrounding the site holds a rich history of industrial innovation and natural beauty. We aim to honor this legacy by collaborating with the local communities and landscapes.

Found alongside the historic Great West Road, this area has long been a pivotal artery of commerce and connectivity. Originally constructed in the early 20th century, the Great West Road was designed to facilitate trade and transport, linking London’s bustling city centre with its western outskirts. Its construction heralded a new era of industrial growth, as factories and warehouses sprung up along its length, driving economic prosperity and urban expansion.

The nearby Grand Union Canal, a waterway steeped in history, played a crucial role in shaping the landscape surrounding 980 Great West Road. Constructed during the late 18th century, the canal served as a vital lifeline for transporting goods and materials, fostering trade and industry in the region. Its tranquil waters, once abuzz with the activity of barges and boats, now provide a serene backdrop to the urban environment.

Nestled amidst this lies Boston Manor Park. This historic parkland offers respite and recreation to residents and visitors alike. Originally part of the ancient Manor of Boston, the park’s lush landscapes and stately avenues provide a tranquil retreat from the bustle of city life.

Today, the site’s legacy as a centre of commerce and connectivity continues to shape its future. As development progresses, we aim to honour the area’s industrial heritage while embracing its potential for modern innovation.

Join us as we transform this historic site into a dynamic space that respects it' past while looking toward tomorrow.



A new mobility hub, including accessible and affordable hire of Brompton and e-cargo bikes.

A multifunctional Space

Maximising the space with a children’s play park, integrated seating and planting and on-site parcel locker.

Colour on the high street

Partnering with local artists and art collectives to enliven the space.

We want your input!

Although GSK are still operating out of the building until later this year, we are beginning to explore ideas for the site in the pre-construction period.

We know you’re the area experts, so let us know in the form below if you have any information on the history of the site and surrounding area, or if you have any initial thoughts on what you’d like to see provided as temporary use on-site!


Hadley’s regeneration approach is centred on fostering positive social impact, promoting sustainability, and enhancing well-being within local communities. During the pre-construction phase, Hadley prioritises site utilisation through meanwhile activities that are socially and environmentally conscious, as well as reflective of the community’s identity.

Meanwhile spaces serve as a test bed for the integration of successful interim uses into permanent schemes whenever feasible.

This iterative approach facilitates experimentation and adaptation, ensuring that the final development aligns with community needs and desires, while also optimising long-term success and sustainability. Whilst we have no concrete plans for the space in the pre-construction phase, please let us know what you’d like to see in the meanwhile offering!

Please let us know in the form below if you have any ideas on what you'd like us to provide.

The Hadley Approach:
On-Site Meanwhile Uses


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