Our Vision

We’re working on our plans for the site, and will be presenting these over the coming months. We’re committed to delivering a project that focuses on the following key principles.


A vibrant new destination that complements Brentford’s existing scene whilst drawing locals to enjoy the park, river, and a variety of new, unique offerings. 


Opening up the site with new, green routes connecting the park, canal, and wider Brentford, transforming previously inaccessible areas into vibrant public spaces. 


A highly sustainable, future-proof development that combines energy-efficient design with extensive greening, built to last the test of time. 

truly mixed use

Creating a mixed-use place, balancing high-quality employment, living, retail and leisure spaces for a diverse and multi-generational demographic.  

embracing health, wellbeing and nature

Utilising the neighbouring Boston Manor Park and River Brent to create infrastructure and amenities that promote leisure, community health, and environmental well-being. 


Working with local people and interest groups to co-curate their future place, starting with meanwhile uses. Designing spaces for the community to enjoy and take pride in. 

collaborative approach

Designing collaboratively with key neighbourhoods, communities and partners to gather their input and feedback, shaping the redevelopment in line with local needs and aspirations. 

worthwhile meanwhile

Working with local groups, businesses and the community to ensure the site is utilised and does not sit vacant in the pre-construction period. 

new shared spaces

Creating safe, green, and inviting public spaces and streets that encourage sustainable movement, interaction, and a strong sense of community. 

We want to hear from you.

Use the form below to share your views on the site and on Brentford - what do you think the town needs?